Monday, July 2, 2012

Hack Augusta

Saturday afternoon I received a call from a friend, "Hey, I don't know why I didn't tell you about this yesterday!" she started. This group called Hack Augusta was putting on an event called a Hackathon. Of course my first thought is hackers. I think that's most people's first response. However, it wasn't what you think. She went on to tell me about how it was a group of people getting together to launch a business in 24 hours from start to finish. Graphics, Web, Business, marketing- all avenues coming together to make it happen. It sounded interesting, and I figured I'd stop by for a few hours and just meet some people and see what was going on.

4:00pm- "I've gotta leave by 6." I said.

6:00pm- "Well, 6:30. I have some Freelance work for a client.."

7:00pm- "No, no. 7:30 is fine. I can help get the logo sorted out. No problem."

12:00am- "...... I meant 6am.. not pm..."

11:00am- "I miss my pillow."

Suffice to say, it was an amazing event. We had a fantastic space in Downtown Augusta donated by Enterprise Mill to use- gorgeous, gorgeous little building that I would kill for to use as my actual office and creative space. The ideas... oh the ideas. Anyway, it was fabulous. A wonderful little coffee shop, Buona Caffe heard about the event and immediately said, "They will need coffee!" and so they decided to sponsor us and came down around 11pm with 3 huge pots of "burning the midnight oil" coffee. And we were off running.

The goal was to create "Singles Email". A curated, weekly list of 20 or so singles in the area that would get e-mailed out to members. Clean, sophisticated, elegant and simple were the watchwords of the day. And I think the words, "Can we make it thinner?" were uttered a million times, which is still making me laugh. Thank god these people understood my sense of humor and didn't seem to mind my brand of sarcasm when I was making smart ass remarks in response to that question!

Anyway, we ended up following the simpler is better mantra. The website itself isn't quite finished yet, we didn't have a lot of front end developers and the back-end guys were busy making sure that we had a rock solid foundation. Which from the look and sound of it, we totally do. The amount of work they put in was amazing.

I think, perhaps, I need to start learning Drupal so that I can be more assistance in getting the website itself set-up next time.

ANYHOW. The website is up right now, but still needing some tweaks. This is ultimately what it will look like (or, close to this!)

The sample photo will be a picture slideshow that you can navigate to in order to see who is on the site that week. When you first go to the site, there will be a lightbox pop-up that requires you to register by entering your email, name and zipcode. If you've already registered, you can enter your email to "login" to the site and look around. Once we have profilees, you'll be able to view a little bit more information about them on the inside. The "Who" "What" and "Why" bits at the bottom will either rollover into short quips about the site, or will have flyouts with more information.

The bottom black bar is a twitter feed. Then you will also be able click on the "How we did it" bit at the top to find out about how the project was put together and Hack Augusta.

We also designed up an icon for use on Twitter/Facebook/etc. We wanted to keep it relatively simple for the eventual smaller sizes, and also tried to keep it in theme with the current social media trends in icon creation. I think we succeeded!

It was a fantastic collaborative effort with the design team of myself, Alaina, Eric and Joshua. And I suppose we should also mention the other Josh who had the vision and was very clear about what he was looking for! The 4 of us worked really well together and everyone brought something different to the table. I really enjoyed working with them and am looking forward to the next time.

I'm sure there was more that came out of the night, but I have to admit it is all sort of a blur right now. I stayed up for about 36 hours in a row and am glad to have done it. I met some great, local people who I hope to keep in touch with in the coming months.

Special thanks to Josh, Chris and Tony and everyone else for organizing this event! I see a bright future for the project and can't wait to see what happens next time. And next time I'll be prepared.

Editing to add the video from News 12!

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