Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spyder Byte Design: Preview

So, its been awhile since I posted an update. A lot has been going on and keeping me busy! You may have noticed the new look around the blog: It isn't done yet, I've just.. well. Been distracted lately. Plus there are plans in the work for an entirely new site, it's just going to take a little bit of time to get it done. So bear with me!

The most notable thing keeping me busy has been helping Spyder Byte Design re-do their website. I have to say, this has been a blast. I enjoy working with web developers who say, "Huh, maybe we could do that. Let me try to work it out." instead of, "Nope."

The site itself isn't live yet, but I can throw a few little preview graphics up... and hopefully the site will be live soon!

 possible new logo
Super Drupal!

it must be nice to have extra arms for multi-tasking.

When the site actually goes live, I'll be sure to link back. It is bound to be highly entertaining!