Friday, September 27, 2013

The Sassy Knitter

So I recently had the opportunity to do some 'Sassy' design work for The Sassy Knitter, my local yarn shop. I was super excited to help her out- unfortunately due to outside circumstances she ended up having to close shop anyway, but I love the designs we came up with. Hopefully she'll get to use them in the future!

This was our Social Media section, linking off to her facebook, twitter and pinterest pages as well as her shop account on Craftsy and Ravelry.

And this little guy became part of our logo, a bright and colorful ball of yarn to suit a bright and colorful person!

And you can see how everything worked in the website, pretty well. We were pleased with how it turned out.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Typography - 2

I spent the weekend at the Creative South conference in Columbus, GA. It was definitely an inspiring experience. The overall theme of everything was to do what you love, follow your passion and make it happen. Good advice to be hearing right now.

But, more on that later.

In the meantime... Typography challenge: take 2.

I am not 100% sold on this one yet; but I don't dislike it either. It may get revisited in awhile.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Typography - 1

I realized my Typography skills are a bit on the rusty side recently... so I am going to TRY to do a something that involves Typography more often, whether it turns out awesome or not. So, here is this week's offering.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Spyder Byte Design: Live!

Spyder Byte Design launched their newly redone website! Woohoo! I had a lot of fun working with them on this, and I hope you enjoy playing with our site. There are still a few bits and pieces that will be added in the future, but for now... we're pretty happy.

 Since every post should have an image:

 That guy is one of my favorite bits on the site. Now go play around with it and take a look around!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spyder Byte Design: Preview

So, its been awhile since I posted an update. A lot has been going on and keeping me busy! You may have noticed the new look around the blog: It isn't done yet, I've just.. well. Been distracted lately. Plus there are plans in the work for an entirely new site, it's just going to take a little bit of time to get it done. So bear with me!

The most notable thing keeping me busy has been helping Spyder Byte Design re-do their website. I have to say, this has been a blast. I enjoy working with web developers who say, "Huh, maybe we could do that. Let me try to work it out." instead of, "Nope."

The site itself isn't live yet, but I can throw a few little preview graphics up... and hopefully the site will be live soon!

 possible new logo
Super Drupal!

it must be nice to have extra arms for multi-tasking.

When the site actually goes live, I'll be sure to link back. It is bound to be highly entertaining! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tiger Lily

I've started my next painting; it is well past time. My goal of keeping to at least one painting a month has already fallen by the wayside, but I haven't given up completely.

Today I blocked in the basic shape and colors for the Tiger Lily. Yep, I'm still keeping with a theme here of flowers. I am hoping to end up with a good series of paintings by the end of next June- and so the hope is to keep them all similar in theme. I may branch out into "botany" in general as more months pass, though!

This particular flower that I'm painting was part of a bed of flowers outside my Grandparent's retirement village in Lafayette, Indiana. I took the picture the day of my Grandfather's funeral. He was a Master Gardener, and although he didn't take care of these flowers anymore... I know he still loved them.

Anyhow, onto the artwork. This is the super-rough blocking, not a lot of attention to detail yet. I like sharing the progress pics, I don't know if people like seeing them... but it is always fascinating to me to see the different stages of progression!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ferrum Lupi

I was asked to redesign a site for a Mechwarrior Online/World of Tanks group. Except mostly Mechwarrior, less Tanks now. I'm actually pretty pleased with the outcome- this is a bit divergent from my normal style. But it works and I like it. I think that we'll be changing it again though to match more the style that the client was thinking of.